Working at the intersection of sacred story + social justice, we seek to build a broader, more diverse community of people of faith and conscience working actively to make a more just and equitable world.
The Center seeks an Executive Director to lead The St. Charles Center for Faith + Action, a non-profit organization located in New Orleans, LA with a local, regional, and national reach at the intersection of faith and social justice. Current organizational priorities are racial justice and the criminal legal system.
In Deed and Truth (IDAT) is a new program of the St. Charles Center for Faith + Action in partnership with E Pluribus Unum. IDAT invites predominantly historically white congregations to tell the whole truth about their histories and enter an intentional, guided discernment process to determine how each local church will act upon the full knowledge of their origins
For additional questions please email IDAT@stcharlesave.center
Brought in part due to support of
The Henry Luce Foundation.
“The movement of the Spirit of God in the hearts of men and women often calls them to act against the spirit of their times or causes them to anticipate a spirit which is yet in the making. In a moment of dedication they are given wisdom and courage to dare a deed that challenges and to kindle a hope that inspires.”
— Howard Thurman
Donate to the Center
As you consider your gifts throughout the year, we hope you will include the St. Charles Center for Faith + Action. Each donation helps create a community that includes less incarceration and more healing.
Solitary Garden Program
What is a Solitary Garden? Solitary Gardens both directly and metaphorically ask us to imagine a landscape without prisons. We both directly and metaphorically ask us to imagine a landscape without prisons. Solitary Gardens transforms solitary confinement cells into living garden beds. The beds are designed and remotely gardened by incarcerated collaborators, known as Solitary Gardeners and are tended by community members on the outside.
We acknowledge that we are on Bulbancha, now called New Orleans. Bulbancha, which means place of many tongues, unceded land of the Chitimacha, the Houma, the Chahta, Yakni (Choctaw), the Atakapa Ishak Chawasha, and all Indigenous peoples of this region. We honor and respect the elders – past and present – of the many diverse Indigenous people still connected to this land on which we gather. This is a call for all of us to commit to continuing to learn how to be better stewards of the land we inhabit.
In our organization, we believe Black Lives Matter, Women’s Rights are Human Rights, No Human is Illegal, Science is Real, Faith is Deeply Personal, Love is Love and Kindness is Everything.
All are welcome. Come as you are. Join us!