Justice + Discernment Retreats for Leaders
Why discernment?
The St. Charles Center believes that all faith paths call us to actively seek and act for the common good. By joining a cohort to learn, discern, and act, we are dropping into the deep rootedness of sacred story before acting FOR GOOD in our shared world.
“Take heed, dear Friends, to the promptings of love and truth in your hearts. Trust them as the leadings of God whose Light shows us our darkness and brings us to new life.”
- Quaker Faith and Practice, 5th Edition
Location: 7100 St. Charles Ave.
New Orleans, LA 70118
Reimagine Retreats focus on
• understanding the harms underlying the criminal legal system
• the power of restorative justice practices to heal communities
• guidance through discernment practices to deepen participants' as active solution creators
Designed and facilitated by people directly impacted by the criminal legal system and restorative justice experts, participants take a deep dive and are guided to build action plans for their communities.
Interested in participating in future retreats or if your organization would like to host a retreat please
submit an interest form. Inquiries can also be made to Center@StCharlesAve.Center.