God in White Face

Join the Center for a four-part series "God in Whiteface," to discuss the relationship between white supremacy, racism, and the Church. Dr. Marc Boswell and co-host, Dr. David Robinson-Morris will begin the conversations this spring with a four-part Zoom series, followed by a documentary series this summer, and an in-person gathering in the fall.

Our fourth and final final discussion will take place on April 11th, 6:30 - 8:00 PM via Zoom.

The title is based on the work of Dr. Marc Boswell, who researches the ways that white supremacy insinuates itself into the thought and practice of Christianity in the modern world.

Join the Center for these conversations and explore how religion and racial thinking continue to be intertwined, what that means for our social institutions, from the criminal legal system to our religious gatherings, and what people of conscience might do in response to the whiteface God.

Click the button below for our free registration and to receive the Zoom link.